Free Game: Transistor

April 19, 2019 N4ughtylus 0

Super Meat Boy, Subnautica, What Remains of Edith Finch, The Jackbox Party Pack, Axiom Verge, Thimbleweed Park, Slime Rancher and many other games were already given away for free on the Epic Game Store, so they continue in that style and give out even more freebies. To obtain this free Continue 🠺

Free Game: Assassin’s Creed Unity

April 19, 2019 N4ughtylus 0

After the tragedy that has happened in Paris, Ubisoft wanted to show some respect so they are giving away Assassin’s Creed Unity for PC on their platform Uplay. You can read more about this HERE You can pick the game up from April 17th 4:00pm to April 25th 9:00am. Game Continue 🠺